Ferguson: A Voice of Peace
Inspired By The 2014 Unlawful Shooting Of Mike Brown
By A Ferguson Police Officer.

Let our voices be heard, because the deaths in Ferguson have become absurd and unless justice is served, people will not rest.

They will continue to walk the streets with violence and protest the emotions of their stress; feelings and pain, until something is done, to at ease the pay of crying mothers.

 Who have watched their sons be victimized by the justice system. 

But if there is no justice with them, who is there to protect the sons who have felt stereotyped. The sons who have walked the streets at night wondering…Are all black men alike? Could the color of my skin associate me with being a bad man? Or am I just targeted for being who I am?

Saggy pants and do-rags have become the new trend, but for me, they are band. Because they have made all black men to be alike. Are we the same men? I’m just saying. So the question is…Will There Be Justice? Will There be Peace? Or Will Death…Continue To Go Unspoken In The Streets.

A Voice of Peace.

Proverbs 6:16-19

Inspired By The Many Experiences I Have Witnessed As A
College And Teen Students.

Everybody is so quick to approach. Jump into the bed of a stranger they don’t know.

Have sex with a man, they can’t go two steps passed the bed with, but then they call them friends with benefits.

Like it’s a benefit to having sex with a man, you can’t even go in public with, then laugh with your friends, like it’s a positive subject. But you just made yourself, subject to the public. Laughing at your own humiliation. Making a disgrace of the whole Human Nation!

Face it! We wasn’t placed on this earth to be complacent. Naked or over exposed to the world to make ourselves filthy, by giving our bodies to a good conversation!

What happened to the duration of waiting? We finding love in all the wrong places because we so anxious. And it’s because we so anxious is why pregnancies and diseases are waiting.

To affect our minds and our bodies, while our bodies are aching, but waiting to be soothed, by these plan B pills and these abortions that are making away for us to escape what we know is about to happen.

They have become the solutions to our problems. No longer are men worrying about not wearing condoms. So many women giving in to having sex without a condom because, we feel like it’s so easy just to fix the problem.

Just buy the solution! Like it isn’t hard enough trying to find the solution, but it isn’t money that’s buying you time, it’s the Father! Get your life back in line, before you burn in the FIRE!

Give your life, love, and time, to a man that makes you compromise your morals for a desire, but when you die, and you not saved, then you burn in the Fire! Because you never seek Higher! So all the love that you gave was in vain, that’s insane, to live your whole life, trying to please man when you could have died in Jesus Name!


1 Corinthians 6:18-20

Embrace Negativity
Inspired By Real Life College Experiences

Embrace negativity give people props when they talking about sexing a woman down. Bending her body over and enjoying every minute of it until it’s over. A man it’s over. Make a song about it. Ain’t nothing wrong about it.

The worlds talking about it like it ain’t nothing wrong with it. “She was a hoe, so I hit it, then my Nigga, ain’t get my feelings in it, and I don’t call’em by they names cause they ain’t women.”

We just a victim to this world. Dancing to the music of this world when it’s calling us every name in the book but a woman or a girl. Dressed to impress the beauty of lust and wine and dine to the pleasure of pain. Watch your soul burn as your body yearns for the pleasure of pain.

Thinking that it’s love, when it’s lust, cause your body can’t at ease to the pain. Driving you insane cause your body can’t at ease to the pain. The luxury, the lust, the easy life that has a sad ending.

But you can turn your life around and have a new beginning. Forget about the former things, you’ll have a new beginning, because when you give your life to Christ there is no condemnation, you are a new creation and all the sin you have created you are forgiven for.

See when I gave my life to Christ, I said I wanted more.

2 Corithians 5:17

2023 Christmas Poem
The True Meaning of Christmas

Is it about Christmas? Or is it about Christ?

Is it about gifts? Or Is it about lights?

Is it about Egg Nog or is it about celebrating New Years on New

Years night?

The world couldn’t figure it out so they just crossed out Christ.

Start writing Christmas with an X and said good night.

See Christmas is more than just a pagan holiday. It’s the day

Christ was born so we can be saved.

See if Christ would not have died for our sins, we would be

tossing and turning in our graves. Begging for salvation. Living in

Condemnation. But instead he chose grace and mercy and saved

us from damnation.

I don’t know about you but there is not a better illustration, than a

God who would die on the cross for my sins; for my salvation.

Than a God who loves me more than sex, money, drugs or any

other temptation. I used to walk towards temptation. Now I just

turn the other cheek. Knowing that the Holy Spirit has birth

something new inside of me.

And I call it Salvation.

So someone please take me to the King.

John 3:1

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